
50,000 dollars Edison jokes to Tesla .

 Is there a joke like that in this life?

There is. 

It’s a million dollar baby boy houses. From he describes to me, I observed that house he sold can sell for producing baby boy. His previous owner has 4 boys, he has 2 boy, his first son has one boy, after they move, they got girls. His second son got boys too. The next by houses above the cliff lines also all boys including neighbors, except the cliff line below is all girls. 3 girls. 

I made him a website, taking all the photo, map, scaling all photoshop banner and writing ...

Later he sold the house...he didn’t even get me a penny on it. He just bought extra food, we had a meal.

Similar thing like that a lot of creation I did for him was just because I was there, by my good intentions he got some newly made photo to go impress others. His Facebook is only thing he loves to just fooling around all the ladies none stop and when it comes to my relationship with him, his attitudes is always because I got nobody else, always giving me shit a lot. We are not common in law because he does not want to share his pension ...so my life is stagement. When things happened in California ...he never cares, how badly I was being attacked. I feel hopeless so I give in to Babaji, that time was Keanu Reeves. 1 year later, I got the apartment in CA, living alone, he without asking me, he drove from Canada to my apartment and even went inside the parking lot to want to live with me. I say no. I tell him to go. 

I told him things but he never treat me like he should treat me. Through all the up and down, it’s always his advantage bigger than my life because he says it’s always I made the choice to go with him. Just take it. 

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