

 I spent a very much time on the web design before, not just medicines, or what else I say I was doing....organic videos, school didn’t have that much works. 

There are really internet experts exist everywhere doing promoting their products. From all of them saying +Eben kind. Eben may not be the best person to go to ....

(You don’t like it )

Do you actually know what Eben does ? He is not a web designer.

There is a squeeze page fashion among several type of people to sell junks. Not a fashion websites ... yeah like yours.

You don’t have a problem on driving a traffic because you are avoiding it more spreading the water or the entire world is filled with their people on you. You are not living in the real world. Things brought to you.

If you have to be on your own, you will have to deal with it in a better measurement. Websites flash people just don’t like it for some reasons. They can just click away on it. There is software you can see who enter your site. There is userbility test you ask people to do, if you will stay on the website pages once you click in. There are targeting keywords to do a Google searching engine “audition” - there is company actually teaching people softwares how to do all that. 

If the demands requires, why cannot the company sells them to each small business ?

What does people want to see first when they click on your page ?

What do they want to read, read about your background or characters if you have a videos.

How long does the video keep them there ? Do you grab their attention ?

You are trying to get the bookshop close....any of this is not in your reality to create a functional website. 

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