

 Mindfulness - Not to blank out? Holding space and blanking out, because there is at the present, not to blank out?

Does it this sound spirituality to you? It sounds to me a stupid movie argumentive sentence we are doing that daily on the emotional turns, if it’s not literal or subjective = there is emotions on the audience part but not on my part.

8 fold path, mindfulness, pacify the heart, but the heart in Chinese words is not the same like in English = beating the heart.

We cannot just be intuitive what we supposed to do, so there is a New Age talker. It’s New Age talks.

It has no meaning when I hear them. I am curious what people’s brilliant mind coming out stuffs...because it’s on the TV. Do they mean the TV, YouTube has a standard who is talking ? It’s by years, by viewers, by what? Public TV shows? That’s great. If you want to hear compliment and flattering, I know exactly how to praise you to feel great.

“To assist findings a true love in life, all the testimony lifts people up and nourish spirit to have a hope. It’s nonetheless to say the stuffs just work and magically on them own, great work, great jobs, good lectures. Peace, may God be with you all the time.”

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