
Holding space ( tell me...holding what space? your breath?)

 Tell me what is the holding the space mean?Those are none sense, stupidity talks.

You count your breath, to close your eyes, and say one second, two seconds, like how you fall asleep at night to count sheeps?

Or you become Oneness with the universe, without counting the seconds, and let loose, the consciousnes to full capacity? but How? holding space?

There are a lot of stupidity, if you ask me, its just talk, none sense, endless talk. 

Holding to let nerve to calm down? Do you know every nerve before you go to sleep at night? you relax? is that holding space? holding what space? The space between each other, so stop becoming the Oneness, so saying separate?

The animals are evils, in their tendency...loving the animals, they just need to make once mistake, you will remember where the wound comes from. One Bite! 

Seeing love, love love....love in the air, one step stepping on someone's different points of view, or life habitual life routine, or being seen on the television, what is the cut in the heart of a human? really? don't care?

I will tell you, I don't care that both two, what they turns out on the Victoria Secrets. What I think they both did is fine. But that is not the degree when I say fine, those really meant fine, in front of the whole universe, or any spirituality at all in it. Spirituality can become, by just saying it? Everyone is all saying it nowadays on the homemade YouTube, and TED.

None sense all New Age talking craps....no more tradition, I think people would go to the Moon, just saying all the traditions are gone. 

Really? you really want the tradition to go away? Eon, kalpa wisdom to be lost, just by picking up a floating rocks on the moon, because the gravity was just 1/6? So bring the Earth rock over the moon, to see, if that is really 1/6 gravity made different rocks materials, to sounds, that rocks and leap and jump! Stupid to even comment about it.

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