
Hugging you the model name is Lilly

 Lilly is Potter’s mother.

You are chosen ? Or you are the chosen One?

Sometimes you would see names when they put online this models, you happen to have money, you could hire people to do a lot of things for you. 

Translating an audio Chinese my words to you, you afraid they gonna find out or?

So you just leave things in the air, doing nothing ?

DIDNT I just show you simple things you can do? Very simple things. You afraid it meant the real?

You are living now, there is Time. There are rules what I can tell you or what’s not.

Is Babaji tell me to get online? I do my think I need all his permission to do things, but we both have mutual understanding if the Chinese set a rule, I cannot leave. I forget the US VS. That was Ancient Chasez at that time, if there is need to get up and just talk, I just do a talk. There is no list. You think there is a list? That list is in your Book!

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