
Did you find out when Victoria Secrets 重新列陣?

 I don’t want to talk about this Keanu or Simon things. If they both are finding out they are on the movies by time, they can just tell their own people and has more people watching the movie together. 

One is the One sits in Hollywood, the other is a Judge from the overseas. Their entire life they don’t know who they are or what they do.

重新列陣 at least you heard about this words? 子歇 would know!

When did I see Victoria Secret doing a very strange things on their stage back in years, and not just seeing them had a One Eye seal on their every show like NSYNC, I can assume a lot of things myself.

列陣 like Flower Thousand Bone 蜀山列陣 behind 一個介面 door or 屏風,again it’s an “interface” jspsnese 屏風,對抗單春秋的時候

Who is 單春秋? He is 殺阡陌的侍衛長

No, I didn’t say Wallace is 單春秋!!! There was a 西斯 showing up. Didn’t I just tell you that yesterday or I have telling you too many stuffs?

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