
Yogananda book - I read and you thought about the public notes get all kills?

 I read it. You thought that was target at you? Or the Chinese was targeting that story at you?

The astral entity and the old master. Do you have a master like your name say? 

You set yourself up a business, everything is a business playground. You started it very early. What do you want me to say you violate law, what law is that? You force people to go to meditation or you ask them for money and donation ? None of that happened like you proclaim.

It’s a free society that criminal get away with the law. You have heard here they told you that in the 90s. 宋七力、妙齡 and you got off to God knows where you run about. 

I don’t need you to reflect things in life and telling me what you have thought in your mind. You thought about the option in the unimaginable land, not the actual reality how you actually go out and done what you have been doing. 

I don’t know the law, but that’s international crime posting on a book format ! Have you heard international police department might exist? What kind of those criminal have truly done in life? And you are not even got caught yet for the righteous reason on your right moments to say trumpet? 🎺 

That’s completely insane ! You know you didn’t get that in your mind but that’s exactly everything put in front of me saying that so.

I don’t care if that’s subconsciously or consciously deed. This entire world has laws that cannot limit you. You imagine I could end this for you? You merely thought just a slip moment, you become what you become today! 

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