
滿慈子的(explain - under the sea)

 Under the sea, there are status. Some made into a museum how these statue are placed.

I am not sure I seen you the actual location in the sea. But it’s a sea that has zero sound. This planet is very noise, if not human made, there are birds. There are 修行者 and therefore throughout 10 or thousands years or even longer, the planet Earth is having this blessing to shield all these outside Earth or even Earth outside might be just fine - so known Ages ago, the coarse very very coarse elements. Not black matter, it’s just being place in this environment, you know it’s not modern time.

ET might know, high tech might know, or even human might go near these statues.

The true Sea nature is actually a cursed one. If going down there even by vision, and come back, it’s entire body filled up these residue. I would actually feel it. It’s not even funny! If a lot of this things told to you by ET or by human.

Under that sea where I was place, there was several arrays of lines people.

You exist with 2 or 3 more friends or entire arrays lines are yours ...but the close focus 近焦 you are complicated cruel, very cruel, cold 殺人絕對不會手軟, you have friends, that’s very terrible looking to me. Not just how the Sea itself was a curse ... 

These statues they can change, if existing on Earth for others have to actually see that, it’s horrific to actually periodically see the true face of that.

Me? It was joking to me, I gonna fall out of the cliff with a particular posture...it was said all kinds stuffs, I won’t even bother. 

If you still have a tiny 善道  left in your head, and truly want a brand new start, not escaping to push another door or water fissil to open, that Monkey story is to left you in the end of the Galaxy. Earth is the edge of this Milkyway, used to be another galaxy that somehow vertically or dissipating itself. You can check Psne Andov. Whatever he said, I have heard. The one on your TV talking about UFO.

That root of you, is a sleazy nature. Religious doctrine may not restrain you, so I don’t really know if you decide to revenge everyone from the movies industry or all these pointing out people once you have strength ....whatever you are ....this world right now has police. The universe has another kind of police. There guidelines like Bob Dean speaking of counsels. 

Are they spiritual nature?

You actually want to meditate to the Buddha say or you just want to go out and fight others and have no reasons to tell you, why you are out?

And you?

攝政王!攝政王! Regent. 帝王故事是寫給你跟他們看的, I have not grown to lose my head what I want or what I don’t want in my life. You apparently have a lot of say or want. You just have to abide to the rules because it’s “for now”.

This life, because you are very short, shorter than most people are. You feel you don’t belong to a lot of groups people or you develop a passive attitude. You were not short in the Ststue under the sea. Everyone looks about the same, there are difference of course. 

Therefore, anything you did this Life, every tiny things, you have the past what could be worse nature. No matter how you wish others to think you otherwise, it’s other trick you, it’s others force you, it’s people push you to the last edge ...when the things get desperate, at that moment, how pure your action is done by what you act?

There is no way once you find out they portrait your tiny 38, then turn right into a witch who cannot teach.  You feel being cheated. You used to don’t cry about it. A little bit like 方方 ...this life, I don’t know what you do with it, you just getting upset. If you want to destroy things, but you cannot. You want to walk like a model, you cannot. 

What laying inside, you should know it very very clearly what kind of the emotion is driven you. Mad at news, jealousy, envy newspapers, whatever you read ...all these years ... 

Eben exist so I start to think, you might turn into a different mood. How can a nun give up her own practices? Because the Bible betrays her. But even betray you, it’s telling you something, why don’t you accept to it? Don’t you want to depart right after the Death?

If you have high tech, if you have wit, you have intelligent....what can a monkey makes that every household in China would hear about it?

Right, 大鬧天宮

You feel red face? Do I want to know how much percent you don’t want to walk anymore spirituality if a chance present to you, to an utter New Universe, where belief system is changed? You may not take the money here you collect with you, but it’s a brand news reality, what will you become? Are you gonna abandon 5 major religions here because they betray you? Some people have that very tiny mind structure. You hope you know better.

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