
⭐️⭐️⭐️♫♫ if you just observed your life, it’s better and better each day JUST like she promised, you all believe it already, you cannot have a shocking paradigm just a snap of finger ? Can you think ? You really think Life is like that? Everything on this planet is slow motion. Everything, Mountain fold and I still be here ?

 I have no ideas how you live by life what’s real, what’s not real.

Yeah, they know girls cry

Yeah, they try out 1000000 girls story people taught them

Yeah there are might no heart in it

Yeah, there are W cases, drop knife, pick up drop knife, pick up, after changing the room, no more balcony ?

Well…you all will not get that far.it’s called slave.

Lauren cry, I bring others in…I will not do that ever again !!

These positions are everywhere.

Unbelievable you define what’s done on purpose what’s not. Justin soak into a swimming a pool, that’s a far away beach. Not the next guard office door, there to make friends yeah, one of those, he will die story 

I am telling you, it’s 3/4

Babaji: right

Try to die, yeah, it’s W body. Here?

It’s not very real, so they have mirror testing you see it not seeing it?

No, cannot see it.

There are so many ways they are becoming perfect Lover’s games…

So sick of it.

It’s deformed. Inside, they are by blood, royal. Kail and his cousin whatever long distance, they might be all the …

 It’s just (lust), and real love in this World definition.

It’s sickening disease.

He put you a photo all the time? Look like he didn’t move test you? Yeah, 10 times, it’s a photo.

It’s his brother needs lust at beach. No,

Go back to Kail, his brother will tie you up last frames, sex, and left

Found back, you jump. Go where Kail go no matter what, no matter what.

No, I don’t care about any of them, it’s for your own good.

That brother will really really scream. No, it’s last frame - he did everything all like the plan he planned, you will fall to him. It’s last frame, he knows you love him, sex, drugs, wealth, games, comfer, everything you wish for.

Just do what I say exactly.


Death ?

No one knows that story. It’s an end.


看見愛情? 📞📞📞♫♫♫ https://youtu.be/iZ_MV8Sr4BA

 她常常做那種事情,越南小尼姑,她心底的不是滋味,那是一種幼稚行為,老人也會有,非常 refine but exist. Not her. 他們訓練她會吐出字來掰東西依照她的心情,電視上沒看到嗎?修行者不會做無辜的事情,叫做『只有看起來』,不覺得嗎?


要有人去幻想我可能覺得什麼,那,那種所謂 Production Team, She SMTV hired 要付錢請出來的人寫東西、她只是沒有聽敘述、順便不用知道,不是她真心話,她悔寫字




我的世代 ….


There is a Chinese, there is a Savage 2

 Why don’t you just read back …

Reed, you got family intact, you had aunty on book and PC after 70s Hippi legacy passing down genes to drop acids.

Chemistry law protocol first thing.

Eben don’t make it the first day that class to say liscense far genetics.

Babaji: right 

Spending time to argue with me, just like you thought intend, it’s to reckon Tesla decree world if you dare, you care, you could, able, to?

 Why not make it ? Making it ?

So song it.

There is a microphone ! Device equip !

Babaji: right 

I complete Eben’s post just now, and then Justin being Self?


Why don’t you all try Web 2.0, like it’s hard to get in Harvard classroom, I only went twice ? You own all of them. If you just type in with the brilliant mind to say read…

Babaji: Saturn her look all the time, all the time Sailor Saturn comics tale

No I was telling Eben

 Sometimes you might just check it later.

Babaji: right 



 Everyone has what they suppose to do things in life.

What a mature human supposes to be doing.

Babaji: right 




No, I was looking at Apple Words Gift I him behind political spirituality public reaction very negative to force others to buy me stuffs ? No, I don’t look at MD… this is not the first round we arrive here and to be honest, they heard so far, what they expect you to become by that much of high tuition yo be paid by somebody, you waste your one life time for money is on records with bullet points lists of all he’ll break lose terms & condition.

 I go to sleep…

Simon you all cared, not your MD transcript, you reading him news? What do they say?

It says Simon is getting very old, by he is 70, if he train Ola MD like I Anna Talent to, it’s years he wish someone will talk to him, he cares the most is someone soft like Ola not to drop him, when you get old that, friends starts to die, his son becomes insurance sign in elderly home…that time is not NOW.

Babaji: right 

My lips peeled in front of Apple and sing “Everyday of my life ….”小鬼小和尚會不會撕你們嘴巴的皮,流血?

 I thought you remember it’s painful. The lip skin.

Nick always say don’t…it bothers me.

The lip can peel!

Babaji: right 

Do you know what it takes for someone to go beat someone somewhere so badly every day of my life … …drag, torment, put oil on fire …to come out?

It’s known in some China legand, but that’s not the story. They normally just ask politely.

Babaji: yeah I did that?

You should just pretend he really knows it because there are crowd follows him. I am not paying attention about him, not the rest mankind by religion. 

So if I do just that …

 What does that mean ?

Babaji: right 

You are not yet be poked at all…girls, to target girls ? You know yourself ? On purpose poking not a blade touch your face, it’s a line bleed?

 The whole face skin off still just a thin layer of the cover …I will tell you that.

MD? How deep is the blood?

Immediately flow?

How do you bleed on your skin?

So knees ?

How to uncover your skin require a thick layer of that center meter skin?

Not really you think, it’s a pin on nerve? How shallow ?

A pin.


That’s nerve at.

How tall is the sigma grow? if you cut it down, you’ll never know, have you EVeR wonder the wolf cry to the blue corn moon or ask the wild cat why he grim, can you sing all the voice of the moutain, can you paint all the color of wind, can you paint all the color of the wind ….

you think you own whatever land you land on ….

Babaji: right 

You have read books, you have heard tale, you have seen movies-plots, what you call swindle between groups interests to gain a political favor in your money pocket …mostly for money not really the skill to swindle.

 Nick never needs me to do that. When we met, he didn’t ask me to.

You all just participate the world politics structure in the front sector of things to looks right to you, education through words.

What China or if there are other skills War of the Fight Art, between human mind, you only take it as psychology how to manipulate.

Manipulate means invisibility. We are in public arena, I spill you every road map, one step to step, history, literacy even copy exact Chinese ancient phrase one by one, can you do it?

It’s right in front of you, all you ever want, all you ever claim, all you ever try, all you ever dream, all you ever hope for … …you don’t understand ? Life and people pass by you or me Anna, in the party of Devil Wear Prada, like a wind…it is a passing it’s a look, it’s a raise the hat, it’s a watching, it’s you walk from the door to your parents, your MD crowd, your supervisor ..,

I am above all Top, what do I think truly how to ruin a stranger completely forever ? Truth !

Babaji: right 

Guys are very competitive, when they see something they can emulate … do you know why you born as a girl, dirt blood girl ? Bad blood issues and pain ?

 You are really not trying at all.

Babaji: right

Make it 100% accuracy precision before you open a damn word what you think you ever dare to speak before me…you should know this is judgement !

 You forget all the time.

All the time

What time it is now

Why I am qualify to be here at all.

Babaji: right

You treat precept like a dirt!

I used to have a 2nd or 3rd grade photo, one in 5th grade. In that grade, we had a substitute teacher, someone implied something about that teacher, everyone likes that substitute teacher. We even all together go to her house, a group of us.

 But she was just the substitute. If you ask me now…

You know, talking in between the 5th graders are teacher to kids… …she is like a big sister, tall, look decent, just like a teacher.

We have every grader different teacher, 4th grader or 3rd grader was a fat women.

3rd grader, I still report to the teacher on the back of the classroom what others did….

Those politics …people don’t like you to go tell the teacher of things you heard

We had lunch box 3rd grader …I swallow it, almost vomit it out first time eating lunch box from the school.

They translate? Yeah?

I did a lot of things in my life, if I say things to you clearly, you should just listen it well, truly. Don’t argue with me.

Babaji: right 

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I am looking at my phone …. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

 I am busy

Babaji: right, you are busy whole day.





