
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Your boss don’t want you there or live, but he can only fire you - not you purpose interview, Tesla is God? You see…people willing to do bad things so Bible God is a joke. You have 4 limbs to imagine tear down one boss your company …it’s true, you fear. You did tell him. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

 Tesla products, patents, livelihood are so unlimited bound. Did you ask Elon Musk how is that promises of curses in the Pirates of Caribbean ?

It’s on TV, he is still there !!

Wealth and public fame, hiding …life eternal like you tell him, you fear y2K? I would do anything in any costs ? You understand English ?

Tears inside and future outlook …it’s bad! 

Some people are useless in life, but at least, not doing what you do all things before. You just hope next life before another life, jail records you before you start another time and in miracle life span, there is a turn…you mean it well, you flat, kneel, bow.

Babaji: right 

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