
Pompeo, normally you don’t describe things like that …I describe things like that. I explain

 Sunset line here right now on painting is - horizontal line.

If sun goes below that, meaning no more lights, it’s dark. You still call that like sunset line by vision on water.

By vision, on the ground, you say sunset boulevard Hollywood ? Savage garden. It’s on the furthest ground horizon, can you see that far, as far as it go?

You have to pick a location to do that saying.

Now 430 has a documentary on Conan detective ?

I use 萍 no, not me. 

But I know what it means. 

It’s same but you use leaves of Lotus to say “you see”

It’s the same line. 

Can you say above the water horizontal is a definite sunset line ? Yes in Chinese. Not sure your English saying, 

For example. Right now the sun is below the sunset line, but technically you only say sun is always above the sunset line. It’s just one line, only One line.

Figure it out

Babaji: don’t you ever think ?

…. You acting strange.

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