
⭐️⭐️⭐️Keanu vs Simon ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ That’s not scientific convention at Moscow or India major religion me + young Babaji …李維跟西門,那不是俄羅斯的科學研討會,或是印度五大宗教我給小野人巴巴基年輕的

 You two are British first time working together like yesterday ??

Oh =噢~

Do you look at the England chef what they all eat in the kitchen ? 你們看了他們英國廚師他們吃了什麼嗎?

You two? 你們兩個

Do you plan to go ? 你們有打算去嗎?

Like without Eben + me ? 像沒有埃本跟我安娜?

England territory biggest event 英國本土最大的事情?

Babaji: right, that two. India !

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