
為了善良,為了 continue to live, survive 為了錢 跟 榮耀 you vow you will do anything in order to get all that, say it, you want that? 你想還是不想呢?

 Kindness vs Evil …

3 worlds

Or just One World = astral some worlds….you will use all resources just like Vietsnese general to cruelty kills others by gambling rules just like now.

To say you look kind before all Master, because you born without a memory just like me.

You look kind, don’t you agree?

Is there anything you don’t like ? 花千骨 溫馴的、自主的、獨立、奮發向上、一定會考上、無論如何、你保證、所有的比試,都是你的朋友,所謂『憐惜當年』

是 還不是?


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