
Yeth conversation with Anna


Yeth 🤒: which door? Simon door or 430 door to start?

The video didn’t have a door to begin …with…

Yeth: I know but I meant if you start yourself ?

You mean you go back 8 years ago start exactly where I was? You can just go now with the little monks groups, 小鬼 小和尚🛎 or the Pixies whom has 8 years and classify whom has 8 years education on Simon alone. 

Yeth: yeah but that’s not what I am asking.

You don’t really know until you actually have a plan in mind exactly like you plan it how to do it following the plan exactly given to you by the opening of the TV scroll by Time and all around you to guess your own plans.

Yeth: shit

He meant bitch = me

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