
Tina = 提那, do you see Lalla page, ( she is Annie Lalla? ) her resume description ?

 With an Honors Science Degree in Biology & Philosophy (minor in Buddhism), my studies include evolutionary psychology, integral theory, spiral dynamics, inter-generational family systems and therapeutic sexuality. With professional certifications in Coaching, NLP and Clinical Hypnosis, my tools extend to metaphoric narrative, role-play and interacting with clients as their highest selves.

Honor program UB was a “honor program” 
Probably she meant honor program not just degree ?
Biology is the study of species 
Not technology = bio fuel
Not lab procedure = bio chemistry 
Not genetics = bio genetics, molecular biology.

Biology - study of the organism that’s not human, anatomy or physiology

Philosophy - I have a religion class, fat professional before I got initiate, that year, before I becoming - I become very very horrendous toward anything …pride me that. 
Philosophy are doctrine like Greek origin …pluto later … one of those between science and religion, there is a Sacrote on philosophy.
Minor ?
My minor suppose to be medicinal chemistry 

Major : chemistry 
Minor : medicinal chemistry, I miss one class…too lazy 

Is that enough, Eben?

Babaji: right 

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