
SMCH stage script 2 = 台詞 2

 Can you define Heaven levels you just told me which numbers? No, the ones you read in my book.


Yes, please define what you remember from my book.

………….. ………….. ………….. ………….. ………….. …………..

………….. ………….. ………….. ………….. ………….. …………..

………….. ………….. ………….. ………….. ………….. …………..

Correct. You want to add something else?

Next .

Is Air con bothering you ? Is something bothers you, you cannot name it ?

No, I do not know about that. But …you lay down ? Yeah, what can you do besides sleeping anyway?

Iran… your President is BASHAR ? Which one he is ? Iran?

What language? Persian, are you not on the map anymore ?

I heard they have ancient law types of books influence today’s politics, you study politics?

Spirituality is besides the point? 

So, says hi for me.

Where is how is you write a note that fast you prepare ?

You nervous holding a microphone. Well…if you don’t hold still, I cannot hear it. 

Anything else written or you want to hand me that I read it myself ?

Sutra lady… so that’s the only Buddhist book you read? You speak in English …anything else ? No, it’s fine with me.

Christ …Jesus seen…that’s a cross means. You celebrate Christmas?

Yeah? It’s annual year they here say.

Crying lady, someone has a napkin?

Anything else you turn yourself like that, tell me one by one, or you wait a bit to talk ?

Nervous ?

Well…I have a lot of time, you say it slowly, you are a little far from the stages. I can see, not that far without glasses. 

Babaji: right 

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