
People like Anan, us baby boomer, they don’t hear command, they rebel, very very badly. Very, and Bob Dean is older, and illness die, he dead, yes. Bob Dean dead. Like Steve Jobs, like Whitney Huston, like Elvis Presley, by legal law to compile right those documentation must sent in right to jury. I was not thinking, I live outside woods. Gregg Braden, Nick likes you, I say his library are junks, do you care to dump all mirror Justin /Timberlake meant the library to define what Anna I say junks? It’s not fame and glory jobs. It’s OU language. Honored ? Wanted ? Attention ? ( laugh )


Yeah like Dean parents like Ola parents, try to ask them, seat in so long, I Anna has a commanding power right of one this Milkyway Left Army Wings…where do I Anna meant desire to trumpet to full fill, either you 1000 ladders down never get up, or you will get rid of desires like you plan on greed ? Like Greek ?
I am Dean’s age. Not in the USA system, I am out ! Too unfortunate, you cannot tell Chinese says.
Not this time.
Babaji: yeah 

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