
No, Connie, people die young, Nick lives way too looong if my parents meant it saying, my father is 71, my mother 63 right now. I used to say if …we compare one same years like 35+, just one full years kids, take out the dead ones….just dead ones…reach their 45+

 Were you here, Connie, listening all that ?

No, people die young, cancer, accident, sickness….not murder. Sickness.

Something people are not living longer like they told me in book statistic ? The average back in my time studying material was 71 around guys, girls 80, something like that.

When I went to the assistant living, it’s 70 started but there were 65+?? To entry those assistant living ? Up to 92. Most are 80 age across, but sickness are on doctors notes !!

It’s a mortal life, not elf celestial meant like on TV life.

People get jealous, fall in the alone senior house, senior apartment, trip by the phone line wired…not cell phone. Home phone.

There are pots on the stove, old people home.

I worked with so many them, 7 first pilots study, then, 20, just on paper interviews, everyone gets interviews by me, Erin zero English, then, next 20 are active to do Wii board study. She writes paper and help me help her. 

People die so early like Nick’s cousin, Italy, in Niagara Falls. You know them, Connie? Tony and nick’s youngest sister daughter were there photography ?

You know, Connie, once Nick gone, you will be one person short to talk to …

You two similar ages?

Babaji: right right

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