
My suggestion : a lot of people like a lot of things. If I have to leash Pixie, I have my ways to keep my people …on rope. You suppose to do all that. Whatever these looking you all come to California for a plastic tent ? What does that mean?

 You are a group.

You like others to be in your individual groups,

That’s why it’s affiliate groups. It’s business oriented.


I have a science pure research groups or MD groups. You see they are getting rid of a lot of people = I really will get none people like a goal.

You all… are just getting any people to be in your groups.

If you know our situation, you need to try to write it down and verbalize literally what you understand where we all are, not just draw back you know you have?

None education background? Jail like background ?

That’s exactly it meant to say.

We are or they are dropping airplane on building, you really think in one week, it’s only 7 airplane in one building top ? So I say 6 month for one pilot training ? 🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎

Cannot you think ? Not August 15 ?

You want that role, go and make it. Not us here !

Babaji: right 

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