
⭐️⭐️⭐️ETR is now Craig + Mat + whom. Craig has a girlfriend in case you didn’t watch? I say there was a curl black hair friend ? Well, when you go North, you call them first to be reference address? I usually bring invitation letter from Nick to the bus to Canada border them. Craig should be in the office, he has a Secretary I heard. Toronto is down town, mid town, up town. Woodbridge is Vaughan, Vartan me Eben knows Vaug on high way 7, there is a mall, parking lot to drive a car, find Nick at front door? I usually get a bouch, 194 country coins money to buy macaron….I ate there 5 Lords reviews time macaron

 You can just go to Craig ETR+ girlfriend video to leave him a message you want to replace them, if that’s not address you need to get there by car or by airplane ? No, the curl Sarah, that’s Justin’s wife got jealous Mat doctor, to be honest all in one drama school, pastor church group. In 7 Heaven, to Backstreet Boys song. It did looks coincident now I remember, that’s Mat…




“I think”

“You done kidnapping, that’s Mat’s stuffs or Craig aductee ?”



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