
Doesn’t kids like Tony wants money, status, fames, girls? Just sent me all the website, video, squeeze pages, newsletter you love to invent every word to count alphabet right …understand ? It’s the money you look for between, me, Elon Musk, Bill Gates or Eben ? Show me a meaning of being lonely ….

 Recognize all the important people now?

It’s every 17 sweet years to prove me, you don’t need textbook, notes, professors or parents…it’s time to skill up your potential, great? Kids?

Show me what’s perfect me, we will bargain your future …Simon is gone….that show??

Haha…so…tell me honesty, what you think of judgement day meant? My IQ drop or your growth becomes a stimulant Red Bull? It’s night stay up late …

Life play party hard, to work hard …right. I agree. Don’t you ?

Babaji: right 

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