
Did I say they will create China pavilion ? Like China expo 2010? Collecting everything you write, you create, you video, your website, your hallmark greeting card, ….all media you use? All of you will be compare in the future or now.

 They will make posters or photo as is, to what you claim, to be like a model.

A model of artitech you see in Urban planing. 

So if the song or you are thinking about the photo issues. You get friends first.

You have to have some friends you talk to …so the entire things doesn’t look like fake !!

Yeah if I don’t have UB 5, I say the comic One Photo. To correspond the NSYNC. Yeah, you can do that. You go to the book and get an internet color photo to re-made Hollywood.  

So, you understand guard like royal guard things ? 侍衛長?

The songs can be all kinds of things. Unless the doctors has an evaluation to the outside circumstance was others made, you still got left over life to hope the future exactly like the song says.

How long I talked to Wallace 霍建華?So, you all can stay far away from saying things to each other. You have to find a prove so and so roughly are your guards, both him or her with you in mind to have a better relationship in this One Life.



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