
Description on Lalla, Eben

 With an Honors Science Degree in Biology & Philosophy (minor in Buddhism), my studies include evolutionary psychology, integral theory, spiral dynamics, inter-generational family systems and therapeutic sexuality. With professional certifications in Coaching, NLP and Clinical Hypnosis, my tools extend to metaphoric narrative, role-play and interacting with clients as their highest selves.

Evolutionary psychology - describing how homo spieces evolves from monkeys or Apes district War on movies to tell language apart if not telepathy …it’s human baby develope size into brain function …evolution.
Apple they want to kill the right answer…I was …just …DIDNT prepare… I am writing now.
You don’t monkey psychology evolution …to say evolutionary to become psychological illness is to evolve …
Integral ?
Integer = math
Spiral ? Gregg ~~~~ snail dynamic begins painting sun without sunlight …
It’s thermal dynamic 3 laws - Newton, at least a functional name : Apple falls.
Inter-generational family system ?
Oh ~ generation gap you Lalla try to say John Jacob which John Jacob near me or Barbra Straisand ?
You try to cooperate sense into coaching dialogue …
So mis understanding generation gaps? Needs communication ?
Oh Nick + i ?
Therapeutic sex…
If I were you…. bashar sit front her goes to sex massage
Back, we all know and see.
Sex Massuage - horrendous…

If you meant Craig = me + them, relation ….it was a long 8 years to arrive here.

Hyponosis….I would suggest you don’t step into man’s territory, it’s real money. Unless you are perfect….that …is …bad.

You sex toy = tool?

You are not clear, you sell sex, not right words.

Voice sounding 

Role story telling cow boy riding horses …yeah = excitement role play

Cayce = higher self talking guy…you beat me at MD groups, I force them read?
It’s 100 years Cayce Edgar dead guy says.

Babaji: right 


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