
8 years ago, Simon was not 61. Now he is, Dean. My mothers friend die in 45+, 55+, 65+…I tell you what, you are 36. If all TV fails, because it can have no prove legally. If I believe it 100%, TV is an announcing board if I want to go to Heaven…I would never be your Dean attitude.


That day your parents came with you with me to the Ice Rink. Your parents told you that? The last time we see each other ?

When you think, it will be next time you seeing me? Last row of the religious congregation, 3 award Dentist on Real Love?

No…your linear thinking is to make it life only you know how.

Do you meet Bill? He sits next by you !! I am not sure all the time, but I saw him, near. I don’t think you knows whom Bill is?

You know whom SIlas is? Patrick?

There is a Justin, he has to write you, one to one they do this by design I think.

No, I don’t cry like Britney. We didn’t date it. 

If I report you that time, you will not be in the medical school and finish award.

Babaji: right 

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