
You’ve got Mail? Whom you are with? My name is?

 It’s just an introduction with no trace blade ...whom you are with, shining title object scattering the ground, Scarlett ...i don’t know what that word means, a color like purple or something like scar....I cannot understand that word at all...it’s Red, Hold Still, new book. From Prince of which killing Whale in 黑傑克?oh ...a friendship bracelet the girl thing.

Babaji: it’s red it’s red, Anna. It’s not purple, your eyes image has to change all this time.

You are doing it on purpose.

Babaji: you are not on purpose.

You are saying to them, I say it on purpose or without a purpose? We are just chatting useless thing the first thing in the morning, they never had enough last night for next eternity Earth.

Babaji: oh, I didn’t say you do it on purpose. Sorry. 

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