
You want to do what I do - get a blog to write and don’t duplicate yourself subjects for 8 years ...

 You want a platform to talk...you can make yourself heard. Now you know you are building a blog. Some write the diary, some write the articles, some write dialogue, some writes the notices, some copy and paste others works to re-write themselves. You ever think what to complain about ? The things you actually remember the details to talk about it? I met Keanu right after AGT audition. About the time writes to him, I was throw out of Tina’s house, terrible week or 2 I moved. Then we start this Simon, we talk about why things were funny 34567=430 started 8 9 10 11 when was that John Wick release I suit them insurance Google knows whom that had flight in for an explosion cases. 12 before 25 I don’t have a place anymore. Does your parents know you wish to have a garbage life with Tamang and Dean in school and when getting them, you don’t distinct them from the Hollywood classify standard? You want to shrink back to your college years? They are only from the state school. Only only only. Dr T the true faculty of that entire chemistry department are not from the state school. They actually reviews the applications. You talk to them to find out this procedure things. Are you from the state school? Then aim higher ! 

Babaji: you don’t like Harvard ? 

I wore a sweater their name on it all the time in Buffalo. They made good. 

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