
What information the border Pixies have to know?

 Comet, NSYNC. Maybe not necessary the math skill but someone told them there is something called comet and AC contracts. COVID 19, that’s me Anna telling them 19 anniversary Loving the Silent tear back label ? They will need a full copy of that no matter if they produce on them own. They are the airports. Or ...yeah the artificial dye, they meant I threaten people behavior ...nutrition box or ingredient she is doing it on purpose with dust and poison. Who does she target to? England Royal guards? Who are they? Standing there kinds? Or Bible, the religious biggest lies on the planet. They are not conspiracy groups but they are the most circulating gossipe groups. There are religious importance civilian people traveling all over their territory, they know who they are what they do what they claim ...etc etc...

Babaji: They know Black Ops is jealous at them because Anna went to pick them up, directly using their jurisdiction power to 封殺 every ports.

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