
The strongest holds on Hollywood old stars my age era are FRIENDS reunion like last night, Keanu, Simon, 430, SMCH drSteven Hairfield Dr Gabriel ?

 Right now, we are living one day by another day...almost cannot see the next day everyday. I feel the years planned like you all feel it’s all gonna ends with just another anatomy class...these stars are not dead yet. They’re effects are still holds time since 90s up here 2020/2021, 25 years ? You like them young movies airing show? They are mature now, you want to be with Them, Hugh Grant ...his accent is England ? Michael Fassbender is English ? You see these stars any effect on you ? I am telling you, young kids were my 23 years old age, you find yourself an Intern, just like the Hollywood says. Not because entirely me issues. They might already have that data before !! You don’t hear me ....so doctors groups, for sure you love my Dean, not Hugh Grant that’s English stuff across the sea Simon airplane ? Is Simon your a thing too? I thought you all lineages at the youth stuffs ...what? They will NEVER talk to you EVER!! Do you make yourself Ola 5 years self-impose image methods, be brave, be courageous, be smart, be gentle, be kind to grow that 5 years in order to catch up that age 430 61? Simon 61? They are same ages? I was with Nick when he was 60. I only had 8 years ...yeah, you don’t plan to stay that long 8 years, so you use 5 years now to self-impose ? Posture sitting standing like Leonardo De Caprio girlfriend was a model ? Do you put your eye glasses on sitting down your toilet to see your periods pads, you dizzy in the bathroom? Change sight and lighting is not white like my house? You see self-impose image words turn you off completely military petty high girls with an uniform ? You are contempted ? That’s a completely no dignity act? Like me 😘Eben 😘 Dean or JC? I had read Eben’s email, I don’t know how to relate him something. He speaks in English. I read his entire email. Is that an embarrassment to tell him? Yes? Then what is not your embarrassment to say? Say any guy in your mind not too distract by the screen in front ? You are at the corner? Thin airy ...offices at the wall? Corner at wall. Okay, no one sees you with a cap, that’s not white like Dean. I wonder if he ever cared I see White he wears that to class?

Babaji: okay, we are done in talking. 

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