
The mass people are not reading books like you on defining me what is subconscious mind?

 Do you mean I spare you I’m front of all of them 3 days ago? Were you grateful ? I am doing it on purpose, it’s 3 days you live. You cannot talk now, you cannot move, a word? You betting your whole life career on it you are right or I am right? It’s just the time? It’s just I am being whom I am? It’s just pure evil? It’s just two unknown force arrived? You are spared 3 days to run..you didn’t. Today is a new day. The Black Ops will know you exist, I exist.

Babaji: They don’t exist, you exist, Anna.

The mass people only take the movie as is. They are fine until these useless junks to makes a living in breathing on the military how to re-write a classify material handed to them. You would be so happy how to re-write all the classify materials. That will be a day? You dream, you wish, you hope? You have a career living out of it? Who, would you tear down first to a far away planet? It’s just a common question ? To supply your endless treasure lure? 

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