
The guys vs the girls ?

 I have a very horrendous case planetory wise - that’s half of the population might be all impaire...you just go to traffic center DMV, digging out the data every moon cycle of the incidents. It’s not actually hard to do. If the guys have enough sex and be content no one bugging them, they can just sit there quiet ...I think many are like that. But what’s enough is enough kisses and hugs and sex? Some people are different. 

Babaji: I am different (greyish glooming)

I don’t know how to extract the data from this side.

Babaji: I didn’t ask you to.

Just talk about it?

Babaji: Yeah 

All go to Christian side. Very ugly looking, from what I heard.

Babaji: and their commando reaction ?

That’s private.

Babaji: Anna 

We talk about it on another day. 

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