
The border pixie can regent Hollywood classify like ...

 I said to those girls you do exaggerate things to get attention, a role on the TV, you will get the role and fame for one life time. But it’s only that, money and fame. Everyone knows you want the guys attention. If the pixie regent the Hollywood, oh they meant they say their words heard or else your company has no water no electricity for a week no shower no shaving but only you have water you have electricity to trumpet and hurts to get things... they talk like me. It’s the same things.

Babaji: They know more a lot than you do.

I know. 

Babaji: Does Eben knows you were out of his sight were to playing with the Pixies.

I say Apple when I return Taiwan 2018-2019. I did mention Pixie a lot before. Maybe not saying we party at it.

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