
NSYNC Justin news


It’s gonna be May ?

Babaji: where do you think they are?

JC I saw him in Hollywood when their manager die.

Babaji: That’s long time ago. 

I don’t really know where they are.

Babaji: You gonna do things about it?

What about this video?

Babaji: you have made a few video with them in singing, they know how you feel by watching this video.

Do they?

Babaji: You gonna hit them in the air? They move a lot?

Of course not. I will not walk in between there. They are moving. 

Babaji: do you ever seen them dance.


Babaji: you feel sexy?

What ?😨

Babaji: when you like about a guy, you describe them sexy.

I don’t know this terms. I deal with Eben first, I don’t know anything about NSYNC.

Babaji: You gonna break our deal?


Babaji: You meant you say?

I already agree to Eben. If they show up, I won’t say a thing.

Babaji: In May.

I don’t know about May...

Babaji: what did I say?


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