
My inner monitor is broken - there is tear , you gonna to be kidding me

 I cannot see clear why there are tears? They all sit down together family reunion talk to talk? Or just one Him Pixie without a uniform can let you cry tears inside my peripheral? Your father likes to see you doing that? Because he is your uncle or something? They script didn’t say crying. It says lover. He just asked you why Anna wish he go and sink down with you, do you think that’s funny and cute? You contain water tear like dripping or tearing or crying needs a tissue ? A guy like him seeing a tear drop, your future is gone. You didn’t know you have a script to fulfill your task by clocks like he cannot be too old for your liking? You doing on purpose or something, ruined my stuff in Taiwan and with China? We have a script to run. It’s for everyone’s sake. You want to call that producer yourself when he says cut, you cut?

Babaji: no they say.


Babaji: don’t know. 

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