
My cousin 方方 and her uncle in the TV story (Love)

 She supposed to know he is from the airport, he got a gun and got match maker on the TV? That means lady, you got a serious problem in your defect character. You imagine your father, a military doctor can take it the TV is real? All his friends and my father know the TV is real ? I say they are there doesn’t mean they are there, for their own heart problem sakes. You assume you assume you assume. That hat looks like a Jewish different hat they have ... something about making money making it in life is important and competitive to you. You don’t have a character or enough vocabulary to make in life !!! People interview enough people will tell you that. I went to so many jobs interview 2020. A LOT, oh my God. They do different things they ask you questions they see you answer...if I need you so need a job, I would write down all these new people whom does the hiring ...oh, they do things, they know that. I didn’t think you need a better job interviews.

Babaji: her uncle

You offending him like you offending your friends. Your father if I told him you found a guy’s attention in my face at a Thanksgiving different people present. He cannot stop talking to you, and I say nothing just watched....your father will know you like his attention. And his entire family is watching you and me one talking looking into his eyes and the other could never talk sitting them watching you two talking? Never got bothered ? She done something else before in her life? I hate these conversation why we have to be compared side by side ?

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