
⭐️⭐️⭐️I went to your father Obama 2014 for not military power, just his president title to send that 430 away. But I was already having Valley, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Dollar Tree pa ⭐️⭐️⭐️

 Not the military power, the answer was World Peace. Were you sitting in with your father that time? You two would be too young liking different things. No, not military. World peace. He doesn’t have any power to my understanding. Your father draft is coming from optimistic groups, yesh, the million dollar clubs them, they know someone about that draft of his, your father’s console. Even SIlas knows that language called psychology. As your father, he would expect you not to tempt that to the public, but to the mass of people, he has to show he owns that language to lead. It’s a politic nature world. Do you understand? Me, no. Your father heard that enough. He chose to stands in the mundane world ...Capish ? I owns those monks on that weight scale ...I have no ideas whom gives them that ideas combine them that all groups one on top of another ...it’s zero, you are not going to change that for any compassionate reason ...well, the spiritual order yesterday on that Chinese drama explain to everyone 5 major religions, and 4 against 1. Yes. I rule Buddhists. But I administrate too 5 major religions. Understand ? I gives a very strict order sent to China my protocol, not for the military, it’s completely that monks places I say so laws. They do it or they don’t do it, I fix them when I return. I give them songs, I gives them Wallace competition title, I sent women ... because 4 major religions, they are by far the most handsome one. It’s an actually terrible issues. They practice detached, not selfish, they provide not quest their attention or love...I am behind them back for 2 or 3 years over that Ancient Chase- Seth problems for a loooongest time. It’s very very big problems behind ...4 major religions priests they are not these Chinese monks or Chinese Buddhism’s disciple in every fields you can think of. They heard me call, they will all come back. Your father knows he will never coming in that 5 major religion congregation mass people gathering places. It’s a spiritual organization, not just there are spiritual order. I pass by your father to say hi is for a courtesy and politeness I know who you are...you need to know I have someone called AYO in CAC Tom in APO. Yesh...I told the Buddhism disciples Asian drop the things back to the 4 major religions like the women. They 4 religions priests like them. Possession returns to them. Here is Asia, I rule. There is a 唐太宗. But if they told me how the business on the top run they cannot let loose, I won’t say much anyhow. You cannot let those 4 major religions ruined my industry ...it’s a law states from every sectors, it’s Buddhism only. Because they practices none-selfishness...it’s not stated but it’s been watched. It’s by authority government or federal, or Pixie...it’s known. I cannot do that. Yeah, that’s about 8 years, Salai’s Clooney he got old now will tell you ...8 years what Da Vinci made of the Worlds.

Babaji: that bad?

It’s just a Hollywood. Those are zero doctors groups. Monks stacking their body fat to get rid of me scale tilt. They have face to do that ...

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