
How far can you see with your contacts ? Drive around the plaza driving to look the store name ? Can you see if that’s a store far away in the same plaza? We go by foot?

 Like how big is the plaza, can you see there are stores on the other side from one side we stand ? If we land in the hotel parking lots, do you see all of our cars with whom else come here? If we go to ‘Olivia Garden...you can see inside dark light all table scan where should you sit across if there are strangers they put agent in? You go and take that seat or? Back to back sitting empty, that’s it? Can you see that seat behind you whom are there and turn just as black as everywhere you should go? Can you go to Asian restaurant not Taiwan ...eating so many plates they display in front ? Not hot and cold food ? Vegan ? Your parents want you be vegan ? I didn’t hear that. Okay, loving hut ...we sit the entire loving hut, you gonna talk to your parents or yourself or President ? I probably have to check where they gonna sit first...not actually have time talking if their body guards are blind ?

Babaji: yeah right. 

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