
Facebook if I say is true?

 Babaji: why you told them or the guys the real situation if you just trying to get off their hold?

I am not actually have to like somebody or have to be with someone. I am perfectly fine by myself. But these are fair games. I am spirituality involved. I don’t want to hide these...I already know these few days ago, I just find a chance to tell them all these. They can test if I know that. But I can just tell them exactly where everything is at. If it’s exactly what they think, that will become another quality they like about me. They don’t need to wait to guessing girls games their heart, mind, soul problems. If they be with me long enough, then, they go to try other girls, they will know the gap and the difference. The clarity is not right, the girls are too selfish, it’s always about their fighting games, they want to hear it clearly, mature person how to acting like a grown up person, I am treating like we are couples so I told them all. I say this is what I know, you don’t need to tell me, I always know that. There is a big picture 3 3 10. I know you cannot force me to have sex anymore next life but I know you can do something else. I already know! They sometimes want the heart, want deadly games want this want that. We are not even starting the sex parts they already decide what they decide. Then what if the sex games go through ? The rest becomes the history, no more talking about other girls anymore. 

Babaji’: you believe that yourself ? The guys like an open talk?

Yes. Clearly tell them, because we have an eternity situation, they can figure it out I hate to get trapped if they are Ramses but on the other hand, they love the part I am the girl, I am not the guy. It’s different, they are clear on that. They know why I got upset with them, very or little... because they know Ramses. How would they feel if they got trapped ?

Babaji: The girls think they just did it by the book.

It’s not true.

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