
Facebook if Eben wants that games, lots of girls know how to play those games?

 Did I not explain to you what not to do to be cute and adorable ? Other girls? Why he is even get to me have you think? It’s just the guys likes a girls or love the girls to be together with. You girls cannot stand a guy can love a girl, and has to go out and have fun?

Babaji: Because he is a dating guru.

What does that mean?

Babaji: They think you misunderstand his message, he didn’t really mean that. You should double confirm with him when you actually see him. He does not look like that type of unrighteousness.

Can you girls shut up and just listen up? You have to get the guy trust you to talk to you about this line by line. It does not matter how low you become, you have to beg him or them to actually literally explained to you everything I have explained. You don’t do it, that’s your problem. How I live with Eben is completely my freedom with him.

Babaji: They just don’t think Eben is that kind of guys.

Eben is perfectly a fine guy. He knows what he is doing, so I told him exactly the same thing I told you. You don’t like his response, that’s the problem with you. You keep saying he is not like what ? Every guy, a lot of guys are all exactly like him knows exactly what is on the movie screen, it is in their advantage. If their frustration with you is = my frustration with you, this is very bad! I don’t want to explain to you again and again, you don’t low yourself enough, you want to control the guy, you want me to control Eben? You want me to boss Eben ? I keep saying you cannot do that with the guys! You just don’t ! How many times can you just shut up and listen to me for once, no more talking about being who you are or that women crap liberal rights. Just shut it.

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