
Facebook Eben agreement is agreement

 If me and Eben talk about it, that’s it. An agreement is an agreement, if I don’t read the Bible and tell him don’t, I still have to read the Bible, later tell him, he is right ? He is right !

Babaji: You could talk to Eben or Justin NSYNC your feeling problems. He or they are professional.

No, they know the feeling is not there, they are not stupid. They want to create that feeling. It’s just a man and a woman thing. They know what sex is, they know that. They just want to do their own ways. There is no need to talk to them, to refuse them? Babaji says don’t ! I cannot hear? Besides, it’s when I get there, I see if I can talk to Eben. I actually have to see him for real, in the house to see what’s going on. I just decide to go provoking him, I don’t read the Bible, or TV, that’s a game and it will be eternal always in their guys favor ? I should just live with it!

Babaji: They don’t understand you just live with it. They girls  know you like about them.

If you all say so, then it might be true. I do like them, but not necessary everything else. Liking is liking. I am not hating them. There are games, it’s on the movies it’s real in my school Facebook. It’s on Dean. One = all. You really want me to say that really loud ?

Babaji: They think Eben is an easy going guy like the Legally Blonde with you. 

No, he is not an easy going guy. He is nice with me maybe, but do I have to step on him to go on purpose changing what we talk about it? You like to change back and forth for the mood. I don’t. That book has to get done. They know that, I know that, others know that.

Babaji: They think if you misinterpreted Eben, you should tell him in person, he will listen to you.

There is no such thing misinterpreted. He heard what he heard, he response, I agree. That’s it.

Babaji: don’t you want to tell Eben what kind of person Dean is?

Of course not. I go and provoking Eben? I haven’t even be with him, I try to get him response he is jealous? I don’t need that. I know why I go and be with him.

Babaji: does he knows everything?

Then what? I cannot talk about him, I have to talk about other guys, I cannot be with him by myself ? There is something I want.

Babaji: You don’t want others, you should just tell him they say. He seems to be a very fair person and righteous ?

He is righteous ? You mean morally to leash Eben? I don’t have a mood for this. If you cannot get an answer from a guy, don’t come and bother me for these stupidity you would do to a guy in any situation you imagine it’s a game for you. It’s guy’s game, not my games.

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