
⭐️⭐️⭐️Facebook Dean in Ballot comic books ice skating ⭐️⭐️⭐️

 Babaji: you don’t want to talk to Eben first ?

He was just saying.

Babaji: What did he say?

That’s all right, what about Dean this morning you want me say to Justin? Dean used to have an ex gf same height probably with Dean. He invited me and Fatima to see her performance. A ballot dancer. 

Babaji: you sure about that you don’t want to ...

I saw Dean and his ex gf in the student Union with Karen, Adria and Melinda. They know I like about Dean that time. That’s it.

Babaji: did you ever ask Dean about you and Nick?

We fight a lot but Dean sometimes came into dreams I felt better.

Babaji: But you would not go and talk to Dean.

If you were saying Dean asking me to get a Facebook - he is jealous, I think there is a lot of things ...

Babaji: you would distant from him? You didn’t know?

He seems to me manipulative. 

Babaji: you were Lab partner. 

Yeah I thought it just happened.

Babaji: No, Anna nothing just happened. 

So I am saying now you talked about Dean like this, why would you even say he is jealous? He got so many gf his height at his dorm stuffs. Justin told everyone in class Dean had sex with his gf that loud.

Babaji: people don’t just add others on their Facebook for no reasons at all. 


Babaji: you saw frozen 2 yesterday.

Yeah, you say you are the fire ?

Babaji: Dean saw it you think when Frozen just came out, and you disappear from his sight?

I don’t know.

Babaji: you want to talk to Eben now?

No, that’s okay. He is just saying it.

Babaji: when you were in Lab Dean and you...

He is not like Wing. Wing would pick up everything and finish it.

Babaji: He got into the meds school and comes out of it.

I think he lies to me not just one thing.

Babaji: I don’t think you talked to him ever about it on the Facebook or call him, why you have his phone number?

I don’t remember. It just happened. Besides it’s not that he called me, one call he did make, we finish the next day.

Babaji: Do you think he saw Frozen? He doesn’t know that’s him and you Ana?

He has an ex gf probably name that. He met her in Florida.

Babaji: When you were with nick, did you ever tell Nick about Dean.

I don’t remember.

Babaji: you don’t want to call Dean now? You are 38-5=33...

I saw it, I know that, okay? I won’t call him. He has to work, he might already get married. 

Babaji: Eben didn’t go to college but others did. When they are connected through the Facebook or if the guys have a crush with the girls, they watch each other’s on the Facebook.

Lee has a gf name Ana too, he shows me her photo, does that I just assume he is acting like Dean now? This is ridiculous.

Babaji: Where is Lee now?

Some professor position somewhere.

Babsji: You like Lee better?

He is not that tall like Dean, we are more in sync probably and we used to worked in the tutoring place together.

Babaji: you never say to them why your gf name is like my name?

Of course not. They got a gf then they got a gf, we finished.

Babaji: okay we finished. I know you, I know Eben. Which side do you want to help?

Don’t worry about it.

Babaji: you don’t believe what he says or he is playing games or from the start he was just happening to be in that position and force by the book?

I think any guy loves to be forced by the book in this kind of our situation, All of them, don’t lie to me. They don’t love the girls they need to just do anything they invent their feeling in their mind. They can act like nothing everyday any day for anything they can come out with.

Babaji: he says?

I heard what he says.

Babaji: you will?

I won’t make the things worse if that’s what you mean.

Babaji: you already make things worse.

That’s not what he meant.

Babaji: I think he meant what meant.

I told him I don’t want those I guessing his heart games, I hate that games with you and all these vision things, feeling not just voice combination. Just because Eben says something on the stage, I have to be forever by his heart not by his words games, I hate that. I really hate it.

Babaji: I think everyone can read that.

I read that too.

Babsji: do you care about it?

Of course I care about it. But he could do without that.

Babaji: why don’t you actually accuse him in person ?

I don’t want to hear him saying it.

Babaji: so tell him you don’t want the wedding anymore.

No, we went through that. I told you things I gonna do, I will do it. I am not like that.

Babaji: This is for eternity 

There is 3 3 10 time marks. It’s not like forever forever.

Babaji: what if he meant forever ?

Maybe I don’t need to worry about that now, do I?

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