
⭐️⭐️⭐️Dean freaks out easily, they all are⭐️⭐️⭐️

 Comic books? I am the Princess and he and Ola are fool to President of America? Did you talk to your guys on your Facebook looking on your phone typing and smiling and he watched the kids? You know all these things you cannot do. He knows you never got freak out in life like Tina. You do not know what a horror means until that day - hell. You could live so blindly. You don’t try to make it, it’s not he begging you making it. You still look at your Facebook for Dean or Tamang The One? You have to make it to the classify description, they Hollywood will know if you making it to claim them. There are 1000 ways you can charm people. You can go by words, write them a song, sing a song, make them laugh, tell them things that improves their life, assist their health, helping them the charity, or the causes. You have to be like a very professional lawyers or doctors, not like Dean not Tamang. And they will need to know if you have a Facebook too, yes, your past. That’s an indicator you come along? Do you know Hollywood is people to people places? The best of the best they select? Or you want to try Disney? They started young age? You cannot just wearing the eye glasses like Dean and Ola, you only see what’s in front of you? Do you turn your head right or left where the rims of the eye glasses hindrance you? I know what’s wrong with the eye glasses. The military will have the best eye sight people know what’s an eye glasses really meant for those who needs wear one. You cannot see yourself when you have an eye glasses. You hide at home? Everyone does hide something. For the appearance reason ! Do you ever try to improve your vision? I always know I am weaker eye sight starting young. My mother say that all the time. Do I do some thing about it ? Oh, if they saw me sitting in the high school the last row reading front blackboard...these people doing things on purposes. Do I have the glasses yet? I remember. I have take a note from moving myself to the edge left right. They could write to the edge of that big board? Not in the middle, the edge. My body moves with them writing ? ... people do self-improvement is for others to like them better, okay? The Pixies knows I might find out the shit that EVERY department in the US told them to do and they are invisible, Anna starts at 101 dummy class? Yeah we die together or I sent far away from Eben 1000 times...one day I don’t make it back? One of those fantasy others told you, or I am reading you others doing these stupid talk. And no, I forget I should not have say about the match maker things. No, I didn’t say it so I meant I have no feeling. It’s the situation is like that.

Babaji: I gonna send you far away Anna?

No, I don’t do those fantasy imagination. 

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