
UN Climate Change

 If UN called the US long time ago about Macintosh and knew you exist by having you go and deliver a speech among them in the 90s, by now they would have the data from you from all of your Climate Change video - showing you reading data directly from the paper!

The chairman is an indian!

And they if happen to collect my climate change talk which including the KTV microphone I did so many times this climate change topics saying.

You are the monkey next by Aladdin that Eben might get a wish. It says you might get a wish to get out of the cave and accompany him to find a princess whom has a father for he to get married with. 

I said he is your Legally Blonde Dr Callahan junior partner like TA. 

You gonna explain yourself to Eben the reason you choose to do so many so many international conference for your disciples is only to read data on the screen to prove yourself a saying that Livestock and vegetarian diet is connected to the global warming ? Eben might not need to review that now but what about the United Nations? 

You reading data like you prepare the materials ! Should I just tell Eben I had my middle school education good so I didn’t even look up the internet on a basic education material before I talk?

Meaning all your lectures, you prepare yourself to LIE to the entire world, deceiving them like the Bible says right in front of my face!! 

You prepare yourself

You prepare yourself 

You prepare yourself 

Did you hear me clearly saying that? You prepare a what-stuffs and collect them before you go on to your SMTV? You twist their story to say you are the King in all these parable ancient story you finding them, that you you you you are these story main character !! Your preparation starts lying, not innocently going on a TV accidentally to lie about every story to the audience. 

You actually want others to believe you are the story King before Sariputra feeding an elephant 7 irons story. Do you remember your twist words saying “I”?

You envy Eben to get a wish or soon after you still have to face some others the same exactly things I say to you and them.

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