
⭐️Kates pudding cake⭐️

 No, not that kind of pudding. You put the flours in the dough and steam at it. I meant the French or AMerican children eating pudding, those kinda of pudding.

Babaji: you done your homework yet?

No, I am not letting you doing this again.

Babaji: tell me.

They say I try to look like one of us, although I know we are very distant far, and that I don’t really use the Buddhist title to do things. But something I will insist be done as the religious headmaster, not because I own the position. I don’t make them feel it’s a strong point of the position but insist the points these be done, no arguing with it. 

Babaji: what else

They say you were telling truth they were screaming and there are situation about bragging. The language what I use is completely different from the people. I may or may not be aware the others can tell that there are certain things she is just cool it off the flame not to make the noise of it but those observer’ s mind is not that easy to fool. It is in the language that she uses. It’s actually it’s everything she says as long as you don’t go arguing with her, you will see.

Babaji: and?

You have a way as Babaji does things to let everybody to know you exist. They dissect the yesterday letter. The whole things. What’s real or what’s just a description type if it’s not real, they will know if they scream, if the kids pretending or bragging. So those two points they have a definite answer.

Babaji: what else?

They know I am not saying it the Porcelain doll. But I have a video on Game maker they were on files, it’s empty now. I didn’t officially explain to them or the Chinese why that video is there. She doesn’t just make the video telling you. She actually had a website before that list bullet points sheet. What else she did they don’t know but if she just get things done type without telling others about it, they are in a big troubles. Her advancement is very high, she does what Babaji says was purely they heard American side that she fears the reptilian not that she could do without following him around. She knows there are stakes with Babaji. It’s not just physical things they got married could do that she is not that bothered but there are other mass shooting she knows too much so there is a Babsji dominating the situation like this. 

Babaji: (clapping) this morning is not like yesterday early morning. (She alarms up)

I am fine.

Babaji: I didn’t need to say a lot, did I?

You worry I worry you talk to much this round?

Babaji: no, you are the one writing about it, I am invisible.

Eben explains already. I understand his first part but I don’t understand the last part “many others.” I am not going to do things with him like this. I have no idea what you put in his mind or he is just guessing at it from what I said.

Babaji: everyone has their own judgement.

Why is that bold caption ?

Babaji: tell me what you gonna do today? You cannot be alert to me just because what I did I did the yesterday.

There are some local people might be the polices have to be trained. So just telling them I am aware of the demographics includes the local networks like the state polices.

Babaji’; you were thinking they hide it from them?

Indeed, yes.

Babaji: I was thinking today you can do something different.

What would that might be?

Babaji: Like eating something finer, not your mother’s cooked meal.

I don’t think so. No. I cannot.

Babsji: well, I just suggest. Which part the Eben says you don’t understand ? 

“And this”

Babaji: you don’t care about him but you fear he ended this?

I “think” he meant the above statement. People like him do things in many reasons. He can be saying one things but he is completely meant the others.

Babaji: you think he lies to you or something.

No. I am just saying I feel finer if him and me have some distance.

Babaji: why don’t you tell him you have a fear he ends that but you don’t feel good neither if going with him just by the book?

I think he did it on purpose.

Babaji: you could just ask him about it, some communication is a must. 

I think you do things on purpose and he is not helping the situation at all.

Babaji: what situation ? (Big eyes)

You give no choice. If we can just stop talking about him so he can hear any more of these to come and put things in my mind. I already don’t want to know. I cannot go forward, I cannot go backward. 

Babaji: he has to get the deal done for himself?

Really? I am not like you or like him . Doing things with one mood or the other. I ...

Babsji: you you you I I I ...finish it?


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