
India - chainsmoker Victoria Secrets 2018

 Because of the opening theme is “empowering women”, Chainsmoker has one of them short hair look like your people, Lalla. She is a coach. I went to some seminar, I think in the field of home working mom, many are trying to be a coach or a certify license so and so to stay home working. Some writes book, some coaching, some are therapists. There are so many kinds of license you can get. Yeah, I have seen them. I just don’t know anybody to name a few on the Victoria Secrets.

What do I think the empowering women? (Babaji says) In the public field, they all have to be articulate on what they are saying. By caring for others, by giving an advice, by working out the difference issues, I think the women’s role to do what SMCH or Lalla does, the first immediate thing is to be able to talk smooth.

In person, I listen more than talking. If I talk at all. I don’t like to be in the argument with anyone, so speaking to others is not an easy thing for me to do. I might have a very straight answer but I cannot say it.  

They have this ribbon on them ...like a gift for somebody?

... ... from what I get from behind (what behind?), I mean the military doing. Talking some substance in some real knowledge in school is a good way they process you. I start to see the good way why they doing that.

Teaching a subject, like how you processing your learning materials. How you organize your thought, how important is to say the things you say, how would you make the listener to understand ...

SMCH I am listening this everyday none sense junks stuffs she says, if not today’s news, then it’s a book story she can just make up any philosophy in the words she says, no right no wrong, completely go by what she says. I see no brainy things from her. 

But the chainsmokers song name is “This feeling”, then later they are present all in very bad looking categories. Rita or Bebe or even Halsey. They go by feeling, not by what supposes to be done probably. 

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