
If she jails, she cannot eat

 Probably that’s why she is so resist to go to jail. She has a choice to eat to get to MM size. But that’s as much story as I know. The revelation talks a lot of other events. Wedding ...if someone saw a super fat women to confess what kinds of sin she did in Life, there will be no one wants to marry her. I just don’t know how to write this story. No witness even finding a gloom. How to find a gloom? Does the Bible says? Sheep? Oh I see. Her own disciple like the shepherd and the sheep’s story. Convince them all one by one to the witness.( Eben is a sheep ...)

This book she cannot possibly get it done.

Eben class that’s a zero.

No book, no movie....we wasting our time here. And if one day Eben becomes somebody like a review committee boards included...how many elders? Revelation 4:4, there are 24 elders. What are these numbers? 4:4

Is my whole life to prepare this One Judgement ?

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