
Do I mean all that food offer is once a year?

 My weight should not go up. I stay muculess diet just once a week, my mother and I went to fine dining to have a bowl of noodle soup with the dumplings. So it’s every week.

The whole list? I didn’t really like the food anymore. 

Once a year pizza? Yeah.

Once a year macronni and cheese? Yeah but they don’t have them here.

I can live without them. Sometimes I just miss things for a strange reason. Like the US is looking for me? 

Anything is everyday? Water. I drink water. And my mother bought food I eat everyday.

Tea? Milk tea. 

Coffee? No.

Wine? I need someone teaches me. 

Bubble tea ? Not really into the bubbles. Tea fine, milk tea. 

I need to take some milk sometimes. More than once a year.

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