

 Babaji: Anna thinks you all lie on her cancers, the special ipad made from or shipped from Singapore.

I didn’t say they lie. I just have doubts. My face is big. Under the big light, my eyes so small, face so big.

Babaji: there are people believe people thin face just like their thin minded.

I don’t think that’s what it says. 

Babaji: okay you don’t look like that. 

I said I had a doubt. If the video can use because I look fine, that serves the purpose. But all my photo looks so worse before ...

Babaji: you like to be thin face?

They look better on the camera but I only use the camera once a while, that’s fine.

Babaji: Galaxy Galaxy universes.

You never started this words before. 

Babaji: I cannot use the word that I need to use?

That territory is too wide to say about a prophecy ?

Babaji: you’ll see.

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