
194 country people behind, you have thoughts on wishes to expand my head to twice as big ...

 You all are unbelievable. 

In order to imagine yourself like Eben. You all have well thought carefully each of these wishes to make it 3 following the Aladdin story. I didn’t say 3. I say Tesla gives One wish, if not included he does not want to go to hell if as a wish.

Upon hearing this story, all of you go to streaming yourself with wishes. You try to act like you obtain the wishes and try to think if you really need this wish...to do an elimination crossing reference envisioning how you would spend your wishes on God. 

Do you find out which wishes you don’t really want anymore? You can exchange to another wishes?

You are all very unbelievable. Truly. 

Is that exercise homeworks they assign you to do? Or you just naturally expand your wishful consciousness by your imagination capacity ?

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