
烈火如歌(your Father 篇)

 There is another story looking similar like Flower Thousand Bone. It’s called 烈火如歌

(do they already could test your telepathy by the songs frequency ?)

There is a father and there is an eye scarf. Kinda like Wallace 笑傲江湖

The ice skating comics says your father is a national champion.

Porcelain Doll, if he sees himself in. I was talking to your Indian 500 years old before, we just replace the noun... but are we sure we doing this? He is not my best friend this life to say we just dump that entire things on Dr Steven? Are we sure about that?

Just by “Your best friends is missing !” In Harry Potter. Listen to that myself, I start with the Tesla talk or Sarah Bernhardt talk? I cannot possibly explain myself. And the witness things, I am so jailed. 

You are on your own! 😝

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