
You are already in 21th Centuries

 But many people still cares a lot more on the astrology chart, unlike the comic says, if you going to go to a World where the Blood Lines or Royals are defines as they are. There are reasons, not just in your imagination, that ordinary people look pretty without the Make-up. Can you go without the make-up? Is that you wish to be seen on the comic books? and in the real life? Then you have to carefully read these each lilnes, not just get comfered within to think the book to praise you to become the Cross hanging at the beginning of the story, but not in every frames of these story, they are just too lazy to pin points at? You were hanging to a lion gate every minutes? Exposing to that airy space? Have you been hang before? Imagine?

There is a Tower

Then there is a Kiss on the cheek.

There is something cover that Tower. No words, just the images. 

Yeah, you can copy that Lion Gate pages to do a comparison in this full Category "Utterness Darkness Prince", was that utterness blackness also in the Da Vinci Book? Each section by section to examine how you being hangs in the subjects such as the Moon Calendar, Hair Scent, Refugee Home, Medical experty, Cleaning, Taking stuffs from your own quarter(?) ... ...

There is a tower again, this time with the smokes on two sides, when talking about the "guards" and the war is over ...侍衛長

If your deepest desires is to become a princess or a Queen, I would suggest you look deeply on this offering, the Darkness Prince this categories. You do not understand how the real Master power is at work, in accordance to the Universal Plans. You may not like it, but there is a kiss ! Did he abandon you, like the other Prince? Just think about it. 


正妃 they are talking about here, it is here in this Categories from Darkness Prince, they are talking about how to let you to become the 正妃! 

Didn't we talk about this before many times? okay? So pay attention to what I used to say on this dreams of yours. Its being display in the public eyes. 

And by the way, your father does not look like there is tears on his eyes or any character looks like him so far I see....your photo...its every few frames of these adding up, are filled up with the Tears!!!!!! Do I think what I think?

Its also because of this Categories, the Father of Kail came! Is this important? Holy Spirit, Father and the Son? You got the cross at the lion gate!

Did I say Tim Cook before? I heard he is a gay. This 政治靈修 I don't think its by the choice, it just shows up any time, anywhere to be honest ... the political statues in the spirituality. 

Yeah, I said before .... that they put the princess and the Queen in the drugs states unlike the Sailor Moon, putting them drowsy to sleep, so they would not interfere what the actual political affairs were. But did you see Tim Cook drugs people? You just need to actually invade the Apple somewhat, by your wits or intelligent how to carry that in front of his eyes and at least get him to like you a bit ...

You turn small soak in the water next to the Lotus, in the 7th book? Roses pedals....reminds me there is Victoria Secrets...oh !!! we were talking about the pink! Rings.

... ... you wish to stay next by Kail? okay. Then we have to keep reading anyway.

3 days? The Time Kail said to your dates returning to Japan, 3 days.

Isn't there was a Japanese Princess talking about 3 days Darkness to do with 2012? 

I know what I said ....but that is the Change the Heart, change the hair color! You don't actual see the gravity changes people's hair this Era, do you? 

你們好像都在擦紙~~ You all looking like you are having an eraser erase erase erase.....

I have to go out now, I am on the page 74 on the 7th Book, Red River.

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